Visit an playground or park and enjoy the play equipment
Get together with some friends for a game of charades
Tell some jokes - the worse the better!
Get the board games out and have a family challenge
Take your children on a date to the playground
Enjoy planning and cooking meals together
Ask a friend on a date to visit nature
Join a community group to meet new friends
Pick up the phone and call an old friend
Go for a walk in nature
Prepare a nourishing meal
Drink some water
Sell some belongings you no longer need or use
Volunteer your time to a charity or help a friend weed the garden
Create a budget or learn ways to increase your income
Take your shoes and walk in nature - hug a tree while you're there
Meditate, chant, get the yoga mat out or join in a drumming session
Listen to a podcast from your favourite spiritual healer
Volunteer for a organisation you feel deeply about
Read a book on personal or career development - and audio book is cool too
Teach your friends and family about what you do
Play or try out a new musical instrument or join a singing group.
Paint, draw or colour some art.
Get knitting, sewing, try macramé or crochet or another craft of your liking.
Natasha Loohuys